Wide Belt Sanders

The wide belt sander counts among the basic carpentry equipment and is essential in all carpentry workshops, and some amateurs also use it. Modern wide belt sanders not only provide quality sanding of flat surfaces, but are also excellent for sanding profile elements, sanding 3D shapes, polishing, brushing… This is a machine that enables wide use, so it is suitable for many wood processing plants.
In our offer (on the website or in the physical store) you can see many sanding machines, each of which is of great help for any carpentry workshop. We are sure that you will find the best sanding machine for your needs in our offer.
By many properties, for example by what they allow (sanding only flat surfaces or relief also), by dimensions and weight, by the power itself, the method of use, the complexity of handling and much more. If you are interested in more detailed information, browse the product descriptions or contact us for more information.